Saturday, December 26, 2009

How I can get car oil out of the garage floor?

If it's a spill -- first cover it with kitty litter or an oil absorbing polymer. Let the litter or polymer sit for a few hours or over night then sweep it up. Then to help get the discoloration out you can either use a pressure washer or Dawn dish detergent, water and a push broom to scrub out the stain.

How I can get car oil out of the garage floor?
you can soak it up with cat litter. pour the litter on the oil and sort of mash and grind in the floor with your foot. They also make a special bag of mix you can get at the auto store but the litter works fine and is cheaper.

If the stain is still there when you sweep it up you can also power wash the garage floor.How I can get car oil out of the garage floor?
The best thing to use in this situation is Kitty Litter. Seriously, just go buy some at the store (I prefer Arm+Hammer Multi Cat since I actually own cats), make sure you cover the stain with a generous coating, let it sit for about an hour, and just sweep it up afterwards. Most, if not all of it should be gone. If there's some left, just repeat. This always helped get the stains off of my floor.
very hot water and oxyclean and a stiff bristled broom. the hot water opens the pours and the oxyclean does the drawing out. you need to rince it real well afterwards. stain marks may persist though.
Use kitty litter, any kind. The next step is to wear some old shoes or boots and grind the kitty litter into the stain. Grind it into dust and it will absorb much more.
You can spread some kitty litter as it is very absorbant, let it sit a while, sweep it up and repeat a few times if necessary.
Acetone and kitty litter.
use oil dry

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