Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is it true that you can use WD-40, transmission fluid, car oil, treat dog mange?

i'm more interested in the WD-40 rumor.Is it true that you can use WD-40, transmission fluid, car oil, treat dog mange?
The safest thing is go to a vet if it drink any of things it could be very toxicIs it true that you can use WD-40, transmission fluid, car oil, treat dog mange?
you really give me some dandys huh ? well your answer iss a definit noo way you can doo that w40 iss verry good for a lot of things , but i advise you to read the label first ok ! TOM .
This sounds like the old wive's tale of putting butter on burns. I would definitely not do could harm or even kill your dog. It could even be considered animal cruelty. I would recommend getting it treated by a vet. You can also try the natural antibiotic/antifungal Colloidal Silver. It can be found at most GNC stores. Mix it with some water in a spray bottle and spray it on your dog (2 oz per gallon). Also put about a teaspoon in your dog's water. It will kill the mange.

Kim at:鈥?/a>
First of all, even if oil would work it isn't safe. With all the chemical additives they put in oil now days, it soaks into the skin and you would have a dog full of dangerous chemicals.

Secondly, NO it's doesn't work. It's an old wive's tale and completely dangerous to even try.
NO NO NO.... I work at a Pet Hospital. Take him to the vet. What we use is a substance called Mitaban for our dips. The reason why people started these WD-40 myths is because this Mitaban stuff smells like paint thinner. However it is specially made for killing Mange. TALK TO YOUR VET... only they can properly diagnose the disease, they can tell you the proper treatments.
NO.. infact it often does more harm than good.

If your dog has mange, it needs to go to a vet to be properly diagnosed and treated
whether or not its true its a bad idea. all of the above are harmful if ingested and may cause other skin problems. take your dog to the vet for a dip.
No and you would have to consider what do you think these will do when the dog digest the chemicals??

Mange need to be diagnosed as to what kind and then be treated.

Some mange is contagious not only to other animals but people. Some are hereditory and others are a fungus/bacteria each one is treated diferently.
Oh no. You should take your dog to the vet for treating mange. If you use WD-40, that probably do more harm to your dog.
God NO! These are nothing but old wives tales and horrible rumors. You'll make your dog very sick and poison him too. If your dog has mange get him treated properly at the vets!
NO! You MUST go to the vet and get your dog on medication! Depending on what kind of mange your dog has the treatments will varry, however they are not that much! Your dog can die from mange if it isn't treated!

Good Luck!
I've never heard of that....but if my dog ever got mange I would get it treated properly so I don't hurt him more.
No, you should never use these things on any animal. It is not true that they can treat the mange at all. An animal with this needs to see a vet for proper diagnosis as to which type and proper treatment.
I can guarantee you, if you use any of those, you will not have to worry about taking care of the mange. They are all poison, and will all kill your dog, soaking thru his skin, and he'll lick it off. Who ever made up these ridiculous stories about these poisons curing anyhing, must have been some sort of animal hater.

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