Friday, December 18, 2009

I have put car oil inside my car and is now blowing out smoke?

I have put car oil inside my car today then left it. After a few hours I decided to go for a drive and as soon as I turned the car on and accelerarte heaps of white smoke came out of the muffler and continued to do so. What should i do for the mean time til I can get the car to the mechanics, and also will the oil affect the car/engine in any sort of way???I have put car oil inside my car and is now blowing out smoke?
Might just be some that's slipped into the wrong place, if it hasn't burned away after a few drives, take it to the shop.I have put car oil inside my car and is now blowing out smoke?
it is distil oil and distill oil is not clean at or
Your engine needs new pistons, this problem occur when you start the car in cold weather and drive away without warming up the engine.

Time after time you're doing this bad habit then because the pistons go up and down to fire up without the proper engine oil between the pistons and cylinders and the body of the engine itself.

A gape will occur accordingly to leak oil which will burn and cause the white smoke you see.

You need to take your car to a garage and get it fixed, then make sure you warm the car for 2 minutes before driving away.
you just spelled some in your engine ill burn off.
this may sound stupid to you, but did you put the right oil and grade in? usually smoke is a good indication of a worn engine, or air filter is clogged, if you have put the wrong oil in, it will be bad for the engine, best thing to do, is dump it, and put a new filter and the correct oil in, also make sure you dont over fill it, that is just as bad, over filling can blow seals and do a bit of damage to the internal parts, but i would get it checked if you dont know what to do
you prob. just spilled a little and is now just burning off. it will be fine
Did you drive your car for a long time without oil or low on oil? If so, you probably blew the HEAD GASKET. That's the part that is used to seal the area between your cylinder head %26amp; engine block. Your car is smoking because either water or oil is entering the cylinders. If its white smoke its water. If its black smoke its oil. Either way, you shouldn't drive it unless really, really have to %26amp; when you do, just make sure your water %26amp; oil level isnt low and be sure the car isnt over heating. Good luck!
Or perhaps you had filled too much in the tank,it happened also to my friend sometimes ago.She was shocked.Then in a way,she sucked out with a tube some oil.It was fine again.


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